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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Fraggle Rock Theme

Fraggle Āsepaeh

Nīmwan pōn kepāpāma͞enehtān
Kewāsēnawatān omanakah mena͞eq
Fraggle Āsepaeh emenakah

Ketānohkīqtamuaw pōn kepāpāma͞enehtān
Kenēmowak omanakah mena͞eq
Kat-mianāceqtawak akom Fraggles
Newēhsomenaw Gobo, Naya͞etemoh, Wembley, Boober, Maekōn

Nīmwan pōn kepāpāma͞enehtān
Kewāsēnawatān omanakah mena͞eq
Fraggle Āsepaeh emenakah
Fraggle Āsepaeh emenakah
Fraggle Āsepaeh emenakah

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Puppet Show

Pitapenukiw and I created the ribbon shirt and applique dress for these puppets after language class on Saturday.  We are hoping to use them in the language showcase on December 9 at the Culture Building at College of Menominee Nation.

These puppets are an idea put into action that will help us to connect with our language learners of all ages through alternative methods.  I am hoping that we will be able to create some amazing puppets that reflect Menominee Culture.  Maybe we'll make the next Emmet Otter's Jugband Christmas.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Future of the Menominee Language

Akohstaen Video - Click to View

This is what gives me hope that our language will continue to be a vital part of our culture.  Maec waewaenen Akohstaen and Musakwat!

We chose this as the first blog post because it encompasses everything that we, Mawaw Ceseniyah, are working towards.  Without our children growing up learning Menominee, our language will die.